Social Running

Getting involved in the Tallahassee Community is something every Florida State student should take part in. Sadly, not a lot of students are aware of all the awesome things going on in Tallahassee every week. Take Madison Social for example. Many students are aware of the restaurant/bar located in CollegeTown right outside of campus on Woodward Avenue. However, most students aren’t aware of the Social Runners group they have every Sunday, year-round. This is an opportunity to be active and healthy and enjoy the beautiful community of Tallahassee.

Every Sunday morning at 10AM, anyone is free to join the Social Runners group in front of Madison Social for a 3-4 mile run around campus or downtown Tallahassee. All you have to do is purchase a 10$ Social Runner t-shirt and show up! Afterword you receive a free carafe of mimosas for some Brunch time at Madison. Be active, support your local businesses, and be social! It’s hard to find an excuse not to do this. Madison Social Runners also partners with Capital City Runners for group runs as well. So come out with friends and start your Sunday off right by getting involved in Tallahassee and being active.