The FSU IT and ICT programs stress hands-on learning and give students the opportunity to solve real-life problems through service learning courses, internships, directed individual study courses and the IT practicum/project courses. Throughout their program of studies students have access to:
The college’s
Help Desk [Shores Bldg] to provide students IT assistance and with access to high performance workstations and software
iSpace Lab [Johnston Bldg] provides six editing suites for video production and Interactive Portfolio (IR) creation
3D Media Lab [Johnston Bldg] which provides audio & video recording, editing and translation systems and equipment, a blue screen and teleprompter for producing high quality videos including a 3D TV, 3D camera and editing software for video production
Health Informatics Lab [Johnston Bldg] is designed for group projects and consumer-driven app development; the lab has group space and computers host OPENEHR software
Data Center/Server Lab with directs links to the Teaching Lab
Teaching Lab [Johnston Bldg] contains 48 Dual Boot iMacs; the lab can also exist off FSU’s network for security projects/networking demos