Latest Past Events

SS Mia Belle Girls Marketing Guest Speaker


Zoom Link: Our next meeting is this upcoming Wednesday, November 10th at 5 pm. Hemi Mahadeva, the marketing manager of Mia Belle Girls, will be speaking. She will be giving us some insights on how she was able to triple the sales for Mia...

Virtual STEM Career Fair

Virtual If you are looking for jobs and internships in technical fields, this is the career fair for you. Students looking for full-time and internship opportunities in science, engineering, computer science, technology, and related industries are encouraged to attend. Over 130 employers will be attending!...

CGS – Space Camp Info Session


Connecting Girls to STEM is hosting a hybrid informational panel for their upcoming Space Camp! You can either attend in-person in the Innovation Hub Pitch Room (112), or via Zoom at the Meeting ID: 913 1857 8519.